Saturday, February 24, 2007

Forums - Are They An Effective Way Of Advertising?

By Christopher Raine

So what are Forums, well in the broadest sense they are sites where groups of like minded people visit to discuss points of interest or to find out information and learn about a subject that they are interested in.

For the purpose of this article we are looking at what part Forums have to play in the Internet Marketing community.

So why would anyone visit a Forum in this arena and what could they possibly gain?

There are likely to be four main reasons for visiting a forum site.

Firstly, someone may visit because they are seeking advice or guidance over a product they are considering purchasing, or they could be looking at an affiliate product to promote and see if others have had experience at marketing this, and so on.

Secondly, from a marketers point of view this can be a breeding ground for new product ideas. A forum can be full of people who are experiencing difficulties and are crying out for product solutions.

Thirdly, dependant on where you are with your on-line business and experience, you may find yourself isolated. The forum allows you to make contact with other individuals and possibly develop working relationships which lead to the potential for JV (Joint Ventures) partners.

Fourthly, and the purpose of this particular article is the use of Forums in marketing your site.

So what do you need to do, you need to determine what sort of problems are forum visitors encountering, can we find a common theme. If so, can you come up with the solutions to these problems.

It is possible that you may have a product solution readily available, in which case you can provide links to visit your site. Remember you are not only promoting your own site, but also yourself, you want to be seen as the figure of authority in their area of concern.

The response you provide in the Forum needs to be compelling and provide evidence that clicking on your link will take them to the next step in finding the solution to the problem that they are experiencing.

In the absence of having a ready made solution, is there any constant or general themes to be found in the Forum postings. This could lead to one of two things, either you have found a niche to fulfil with a new product potentially, or have you found a subject which is quite general but linked in such away that a resource site may be useful.

Building a resource site which could be one or two pages to many may provide the visitor with a valuable and useful resource and yourself with the ability to market Affiliate products relevant to that subject.

The obvious thing here with all things on-line is ensuring that the relevancy of Affiliate products is consistent with the content of the pages.

I hope that this provides an insight into the potential for using Forums for your marketing efforts.

Chris Raine is the owner of it provides you with a Free education on how to make money online, including how to Market Online, including the use of Forums, and all others aspects of building an online business. If you want to know more you can get free access to the resources at:

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